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Why Is Manuka Honey So Expensive? And Will it Save Me Money?

In recent years, manuka honey has gained worldwide acclaim. In fact, the benefits of Manuka honey are numerous. Both scientists and celebrities are interested in this unique New Zealand honey. But you might be wondering why Manuka honey is more expensive than other types of honey.

Manuka Honey Commands a Higher Price for Legitimate Reasons

The primary driver of the price for manuka honey is the global demand as a safe and effective health food. This healthy food is so effective that it is called a superfood.

The demand is driven because this superfood works, improves health, and saves consumers money.

Then there are the issues with harvesting this precious, healthy food. The Manuka forests are found in hilly regions of New Zealand with no roads, where the honey is predominantly harvested in the wild. Moreover, access to these locations is only by helicopter, adding another layer of expense. And because it has medicinal qualities, the processing is of a higher standard than other types of honey. At ManukaGuard, we process our medical-grade honey at an even higher standard of purity than other food-grade brands. (1) **

Another reason for Manuka honey's high cost is that it can only be produced in finite amounts. However, we hope to grow Manuka in the United States in the coming years.

Manuka Honey has Superior Self-Wellness  Qualities.

The antimicrobial qualities of Manuka honey make it highly popular and sought after. Manuka honey contains five active fractions that no other honey has, which makes it so effective.

These active fractions add significantly to the medicinal qualities of Manuka Honey. Methylglyoxal (MGO), a miraculous element for killing germs, is highly concentrated in

Manuka. ** (1)

Why Does Manuka Honey Cost So Much?

Given its advantages for human health, it is understandable why Manuka is in high demand. Yet, this only partially answers the question, "Why is Manuka honey expensive?"

One reason is that it comes down to supply and demand. Consider this: the demand for Manuka honey worldwide continues to expand, while the amount of Manuka honey produced in New Zealand annually is only around 6,172,943 pounds. With demand exceeding supply, the cost remains higher.

The Manuka Tree Only Has a Brief Flowering Season

Because the trees only flower for two to six weeks each year, beekeepers must be experts about when to harvest Manuka honey.

Also, during a difficult season, bad weather may prevent the bees from having enough "fly time" to feed. Bees are very sensitive to wind and do not fly when it rains. Every Manuka season is unique and entails difficult choices that must consider bee health, hive location, and weather.

And while the costs stay the same even when these factors lower the yield, it does affect the global supply amount.

Manuka Honey Varies Widely

Pure mono-floral Manuka honey is only generated from pure mono-floral Manuka nectar. Multi-floral Manuka honey is less expensive as it does contain honey from other floral sources but in limited amounts.

There is a strict standard that multi-floral honey must meet and still be called Manuka Honey.

Manuka Honey is Put Through Extensive Testing, Adding to Its Cost

An authorized laboratory analyzes all Manuka honey for the protection of the consumer. This five-part test is exceptionally rigorous because this honey is used for medicinal purposes.

Finally, Manuka honey is stored until it is sold. And with the harvest season being about two to four weeks in any region of New Zealand, and as the weather warms, the harvest moves south. After approximately three months, all regions are complete, and the harvest ends.

Why are Different Manuka Brands Priced Differently?

Every producer of honey has their own expenses and a different business philosophy. Costs include things like labor, packaging, rent, and marketing. A big brand could become more expensive because of increased marketing expenses.

You should always shop based on the UMF or MGO rating, not just the price, while seeking the best value for your money. Higher cost only sometimes equates to better value. Fortunately, the label provides a clear indication of what you're getting.

If you can, purchase a manuka honey with "Dietary Supplement" on the label – this is the highest quality, separate from the MGO level. And please understand that a high UMF or MGO is one measure, the antibiotic measure, and not necessarily the best Manuka honey for your particular need. For a better guide, use this:


The ManukaGuard brand owners believe an MGO above 600 should be diluted, having published research showing that when an MGO 600 is diluted, it is more available and more effective. **

As a Result, Manuka Honey is Pricey

Medical grade Manuka kinds of honey, like ManukaGuard, are highly pure and in high demand by hospitals and the medical community as it is used in FDA-registered medical devices in advanced wound care. A wide range of other health advantages of this particular honey has also been discovered by research, even for lower grades.

Even though New Zealand has numerous excellent raw types of honey, Manuka has drawn the most attention. We hope you see why this honey is so popular. Beyond the price, Manuka honey is used worldwide for self-care, with many people reporting they save money and feel healthier. **

"This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease;" 


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